
28 Nov 2024 by Matt Gifford

Good Morning everyone! I just wanted to wish you all a happy Thanksgiving today!
I wanted to let you know how thankful I am for each and every one of you and your family. Parents, I am so grateful every year to work with your children in this unique sport. You have done an amazing job raising these wonderful young people and I am grateful that I get to be blessed to work with them. I am also grateful for the opportunity to come alongside you and help you raise these young ones up. Please let me know how I can best support you.
Athletes’, I am always so grateful for the chance to work with you every day. This year in particular, I have enjoyed every day with you. You are smiling, positive, hard working, engaged, intentionally listening and growing every day. You are taking opportunities to improve all the time. I so enjoyed watching you in the weight room yesterday on a day that you didn’t HAVE to come in, you did and took full advantage getting stronger and clearly enjoying one another. I am grateful for the personality that each of you bring, I am thankful that you are engaging with your teammates and coaches, enjoying every day, and improving all the time. Thanks for a great start to a great year.

I wanted to also remind you to not let Thanksgiving go by without taking advantage of the opportunities that it can bring. Just like we did on Monday, take time today to think about who/what you are thankful for this year. Then if it is a person you are thankful for, tell them. Take time to write them a note, send them a text, tell them in person, give them a call, etc. It might be awkward at first, but the more you express your gratitude for people and other blessings you have been given, the more it will become a habit and you will be grateful automatically. With a full heart of Thanksgiving,
Coach GIfford

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